One Oil Covers All Mix Ratios JASO FD, ISO-L-EGD, API TC SABER Professional eliminates the problems that plague handheld two-stroke equipment using other oils, including hard starting, rough running, power loss and shortened service life.
Package sizes include:
• 2.6-oz. Bottle
• 6.4-oz. Bottle
• 8-oz. Bottle
• 12.8-oz. Bottle
• 1-Quart Bottle
• 1-Gallon Bottle
• 30-Gallon Drum
• 55-Gallon Drum
Use in all two-stroke handheld equipment where JASO FD,, ISO-L-EGD or API-TC oils are specified, including STIHL*, ECHO*, Toro*, Shindaiwa*, Craftsman*, 4-mix STIHL and Hybrid 4 Shindaiwa engines.
Use at conventional mix ratios or the SABER® Ratio,™ regardless of the mix ratio specified for the equipment. For maximum benefit, use the SABER Ratio.
Conventional | 32:1 | 4.0 OZ | 1 U.S. gallon |
Conventional | 40:1 | 3.2 OZ | 1 U.S. gallon |
Conventional | 50:1 | 2.6 OZ | 1 U.S. gallon |
SABER® Ratio™ | 80:1 | 1.6 OZ | 1 U.S. gallon |
SABER® Ratio™ | 100:1 | 1.3 OZ | 1 U.S. gallon |
We tested SABER Professional at a 100:1 mix ratio compared to other two-stroke oils at 50:1, and the results are clear: SABER Professional dominated the competition in every area of performance. Even when using half as much oil, SABER Professional does a better job fighting carbon deposits that rob engines of power and reduce their service life. It helps landscapers, contractors and other professionals work more efficiently and cut costs.
SABER Professional's high-quality synthetic base oils burn more cleanly than other synthetic and conventional base oils. It eliminates carbon deposits that lead to stuck piston rings, clogged exhaust ports and plugged spark arrestor screens. Following 300 hours of professional-use testing in ECHO* string trimmers, SABER Professional mixed at 100:1 resisted carbon better than ECHO Power Blend* XTended Life* Universal 2-Stroke Oil mixed at 50:1 (see images). For complete test results, see the ECHO 100:1 String Trimmer Technical Study (G3470).
Mixing SABER Professional at 100:1 cuts oil costs by 50 percent or more while still providing unmatched protection and performance. It allows professionals the best of both worlds - reduced costs and increased protection.
SABER Professional passes the industry-standard smoke test at the standard rich mix ratio. When mixed at the SABER Ratio, smoke is virtually undetectable. Equipment operators subjected to smoke and fumes benefit from these low-emission properties.
• Excellent lubricity and cleanliness
• Controls friction and helps prevent wear, plug fouling, ring sticking and exhaust port blocking
• Smokeless - delivers fewer emissions at 80:1 and 100:1
• Stabilizes fuel during storage
• Delivers outstanding protection and performance at lean mix ratios
SABER Professional provides the additional benefit of fuel stabilization to help prevent fuel from deteriorating during storage and causing poor engine performance. There is no need to add an additional fuel stabilizer when putting equipment into seasonal storage.
This product is not expected to cause health concerns when used for the intended application and according to the recommendations in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
Click here to view the MSDS Data Sheet for AMSOIL ATP.
Keep out of the reach of children. Don't pollute. Return used oil to collection centers.
TYPICAL TECHNICAL PROPERTIES Saber® Professional Synthetic 100:1 Pre-Mix 2-Cycle Oil (ATP) | |
Kinematic Viscosity @ 100°C, cSt (ASTM D445) | 14.0 |
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°C, cSt (ASTM D445) | 107.4 |
Viscosity Index (ASTM D2270) | 132 |
Pour Point °C (°F) (ASTM D97) | -40 (-40) |
Flash Point °C (°F) (ASTM D92) | 180 (356) |
Fire Point °C (°F) (ASTM D92) | 240 (464) |
Reviewed by John:
I use the 2-Stroke SABER in all my edgers and blower and have had great success. I started using 2-Stroke Amsoil in 1975 when I purchased a new 15HP Johnson outboard. Since that time I once had the unfortunate experience to flip the boat while the motor was running. I was able to drain the water out of the cylinders and restart it. It is still in use to this day.
Reviewed by Cedric:
Works and runs the engines clean and smokeless!! Great product
Reviewed by Charles:
That's all I've ever used
Reviewed by Albert:
I will use this in my snow thrower haven't tried it yet but soon winter is almost here
Reviewed by Leroy:
I use this product for my weed eater, and chain saw. Weed eater is 10yrs old,chain saw 8yrs old- runs better than new one!
Reviewed by Dan:
It works great I was using stihls brand but I'm convinced anything amsoil meets or beats others synthetic 2 cycle oil
Reviewed by Joe:
I run this 2 stroke oil for a commercial company in all of our 2 stroke engines. I love the 80:1 ratio I typically mix 400 gallons at a time with 90 octane recreational fuel. the engines perform a lot better cleaner exhaust and using less oil all around great product it also has a nice scent. I Love amsoil products
Reviewed by
Are use this in my mercury 225 hp OptiMaxx outboard.
Reviewed by David:
I use this for all my lawn equipment, Blowers, trimers, and saws. Been with amsoil for years. Nothing but
the best in keeping your equipment going.
Reviewed by Pennjon:
Saber 100 to 1 review
Decided to give the Saber Professional a try at 100 to 1 ratio in my old snow blower. The result: engine runs great, little or no smoke, no stinky exhaust, and startup is improved. Honestly had questions with the lack of oil mixed in the gas. So far No issues to report will begin using in my weed trimmer and chainsaw too. This oil has benefits over the other oils available.